Language Medium

"Dan aku tidak meminta kepada kamu sebarang upah mengenai apa yang aku sampaikan (dari Tuhanku), balasanku hanyalah terserah kepada Allah, Tuhan sekalian alam."

"No reward do I ask of you for
what I have to say (from my Lord), my reward is only from Allah, the Lord of the Worlds"
[Surah Asy-Syu'ara' 26:109]

Language Medium: English & Bahasa Melayu

05 November 2010

Before you love me..

In the name of Allah,The Almighty

Love me for who I am and whom I choose to be...

My love is for you to feel and not a must for others to see..

I've chosen my path as a Sunni..

To love Allah is the main priority..

If you love money, you'll never love me..

This mortal world is my divorcee..

Whatever the reason that you do not agree..

Tell me if you want to go, I'll set you free..

Be firm with your choice for there's no maybe..

For you're the one who choose your destiny..

And I'd appreciate you'd tell what's in your heart truthfully..

Don't lie because the truth might hurt me..

Having my heart to bleed profusely..

Leaving a scar that eyes cannot see..

Yes, a man can cry but not openly..

He never liked to show his weakness to anybody..

But no matter what, to Allah I'll turn to, surely..

For my remembrance of Him ends my misery..

His love for His creation is eternity..

In the case that you decide to choose me..

Guiding you to Allah will be my duty..

I'll crown you as my queen and show you the meaning of beauty..

I'll show you the true meaning of being wealthy..

I'll do my very best to keep you happy..

I'll respect you and uphold your modesty..

I'll respect your friends and your family..

As long as they abide by His decree..

Together we shall live our life in honesty and harmony..

I may make mistakes,do remind me nicely..

When legal, we'll share the feeling of tranquility..

Leading to a birth of a being whom we will call "our baby"..

Whereby he or she shall continue the legacy..

Waiting for the arrival of Imam Mahdi..

Don't you cry when syahid befalls me..

Insyaallah,by His side is where I will be..

I'll be alive and with sustenance from The Almighty..

Remember,if you desire this world's life and its treasury..

I'll have to release you graciously..

But seriously,I'm not that into poetry..

There's no copyright as you can see..

Though my initials are from line ten to half of thirty..

Forgive me for my bad vocabulary..

I'm not a graduate from a university..

Nor do I have a college degree..

For whomever these verses might be..

Just to let you know before you love me..

From the slave of Allah The Exalted,The Almighty

And the name is Muhammad Fadhly.

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